Sunday, May 2

Will the world end in 2012? It’s a question many people are asking these days. I wanted to know if it was true and what had convinced so many people that the world would end so soon. So when I found a book titled “Will the World End in 2012? A Christian Guide to the Question Everyone’s Asking” I eagerly picked it up hoping it would provide some insight and clarity into all the hyped up myths. Raymond C. Hundley, the author of the aptly titled “Will the World End in 2012?” does exactly that.
Writing in everyday language, Hundley discusses ten of the doomsday predictions and the probability of each of them happening, one prediction per chapter. It appears Hundley has done his research and documented his findings scrupulously. Hundley presents facts and dates well and still makes the book readable and captivating. The author states his own opinion at the end of each chapter often in a skeptical yet unbiased approach. Some “end of the world” theories Hundley discredits entirely while other doomsday predictions seem much more probable. Even though Hundley is writing from a Christian perspective his observations throughout most of the book come across as unbiased. The final chapter in the book focuses on preparing for the end of the world should it come. Hundley provides the reader with reason for hope even if the world comes to a destructive demise in 2012.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson for sending me a complementary copy of "Will the World End in 2012? A Christian Guide to the Question Everyone's Asking" for my review.

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