Wednesday, November 1

So after playing hide and seek with us a few weeks the snow has been found and by the looks of things is here to stay. The ground is covered, the temperatures are below zero and the roads are icy. That means that in only a little while there will be ice on the outdoor rink. The rink is a place that brings up so many memories of fun, and frozen toes and fingers. One time when I was younger, we stayed on the ice for a couple hours when it was probably around minus twenty. It wasn't that it was rediculously cold but I guess by being out there so long, somehow both my big toes froze solid. And the bad thing about freezing toes is that you don't notice it at all. It's like a silent killer. Only after you take your skates off and start to walk home you realize that you can't feel your toes and then when you get home the pain sets in. My toes swelled up and blistered so bad. I couldn't put my skates on anymore and I was determined to go to hockey practice the next day so I used my brothers skates because there was a little more room in the front for my swollen toes. Bad move. I shouldn't have gone to hockey that day, it hurt so bad. But my toes don't freeze as easy anymore, I guess it was like conditioning and a step in becoming a real Canadian prairie boy. Whenever winter roles around and I think about the outdoor rink, I think about that book that we always read at school, "The Hockey Sweater" by Roch Carrier. I know it's about the Canadians, but the little boy and I have some things in common, hockey is like our escape from school, and we both dislike the Maple Leafs.

But not much has been going on around here lately. The Franklin Graham festival has come and gone and it was pretty neat to go and here the truth about Christ from a pretty famous guy and hear some bands that proclaimed the same message. And to hear stories from people that accepted the life that Christ has to offer, for the first time, was pretty encouraging. University has been going well, it's a lot of work to stay on top of things but for the most part I enjoy it. It's fun to meet new people and make new friends. Coming into University I thought it would be just like a mall and nobody really cares about anybody, and it is to some degree, but I guess everyone is in the same boat so it's fun to step out and talk to people and get to know them and see how they react. Some people put on that look like "hey loser, why are you bothering me?" but most people are open to talk and thats been fun. And I found this crazy big fish, turtle and dinosaur at school! I thought it was worth a picture. It has nothing to do with anything really I guess. I know I havn't posted in a while so sorry to you who actually check this thing the odd time. Have a nice day.


Yours Truly said...

Have fun in the snow Mike! glad your toes could you go to school for so many weeks and not see that masive dinosaur?

Cassie said...

Thats a pretty sweet dino you got there mike, wish i had one of those... uh really i dont but its pretty cool... ANYWAYS, we are just starting to enjoy the snow here, it started sunday and has been pretty consitant with sticking around, i quite enjoy the change from rain last fall... Hey did ya check out my new puppy? Hes so cute:D

Jen J said...

Sweet dinosaurs. I get to play in the snow in couple of days in Calgary:) Hope the weekend is going well.

April said...

Didn't realize you were such a talented writer & artist. So many hidden talents in that Canadian Prairie boy! Where are you going to school anyways. UofM?

Peace. Glad to hear you're doing well in Him.

Rachelle Undershute said...

Mike! Had no idea you were a blogger too! Guess what? we still have that magnet on our fridge that you drew of you and Arron eating steak! I wish we had snow out here on the coast... nothing but rain and more rain. Not too fun. Good to hear that Adrian is doing well and still doing crazy stunts. Say hi to him for me! Talk to you later!