Friday, January 5

To the Island and Back Again

Last week was an amazing time with new and old friends on Vancouver island. Joel and I left on Christmas day, cheap flights to blame for that, and we were supposed to arrive in Comox that evening. Our flight got delayed from Calgary to Vancouver and we missed our connecting flight from Vancouver to Comox. But we got a free hotel room and between the two of us we got sixty-eight dollars to spend on food. But because it was Christmas day, unfortunately most restauraunts outside the airports were closed so we only got to have supper in Calgary. And it was good, except for the blue cheese burger that Joel ordered. The next day we got a flight that left Vancouver at 8:30 for Comox so all in all it wasn't too bad. The first few nights we stayed at the Bowers' place and had an amazing time. We did some fun stuff with fun people like tubing, constellation creating and trying to figure out the dynamics of the shadow on the moon. And Lindsay learned how to spell her name "Linds" not "Linbs".

Joel and I got to go snowboarding up to Mt. Washington and got two days of terribley good weather. It was fun to board with the Bowers and have them show us around the mountain.

The next few nights we stayed at the Jacobson's and had some good relaxing time hanging out and we got to go to the Langdales for some good times and pie. Jen, Joel and I also had the privaledge of taking Kaylee(?) for a walk/multiple bathroom breaks. Our trip definately was a fun one and we got to meet old freinds and make new ones and enjoy what the island has to offer.

The day we left we got to go to Resonate church with the Jacobsons. It is always encouraging and being there and this Sunday they wrapped up their series on Ephesians by reading the entire book. A couple passages really stuck out to me but Chapter three verse twenty really hit me were it says God can do abundantly beyond all we ask or think. That is incredible. I havn't even thought of all the good things God can do. Even when I think I know what would be best, God knows whats even better than my best.

Then on Wednesday Niki left for Capernwray in Texas so we got to hang out one last time on Tuesday doing some Christmas returns and exchanges. I was determined to try to get a pair of jeans (trying on clothes is not my strength) but after making the critical mistake of only taking one pair into the changeroom, I realized I was screwed so I gave up after that one and settled for some board shorts.

Then on Wednesday Joel, Josiah, Trevor, Simon, Darrick and I went snowboarding to Frosty. Things started off well with a grouchy boarder crosser agent women. I could tell one smart answer from us and we would be in the "garage" watching the van get ripped apart so we were very polite. Boarding was fun till things starting melting and sucking. Mainly the snow did the melting and I did the sucking. Josiah nailed a gap to front board and Joel landed a nice grabbed three.

And then University started Thursday... Agh. It's over.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike..its good to hera that you had a nice time out on the island...have fun in school!

Anonymous said...

Wow Mike! Looks like you had a crazy busy holiday, glad to hear you had a great time on the island! You'll have to come out this way some time, I guess you would have to have a good reason since its not to exciting in Tilley, but maybe something will come along! Anyways glad to hear how your holidays went! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike..
so glad you and Joel came out..thanks for footballness....
and now I look up and see the dogs in the stars, and smile at the moon-it just changed direction, did you notice?