Thursday, January 11

We took unofficial family pictures this Christmas after my mom had bugged us enough. It's not that I don't like taking family pictures, it's just that we don't have somebody to take them for us so suddenly we have five people trying to line up the subjcts and get the angle and lighting right, when none of us really knows how it should be done. And it doesn't help that our tripod is from World War II. So this is us, all in our places with smiles on our faces and at least everybody's eyes are open. I'm making it sound really bad but it was actually kind of fun seeing what kinds of fun pictures we could come up with. I think this was Adrian's idea for a shot and I'd say it was the best one.


Anonymous said...

who's who?
( I can tel you and your mom and dad..but your bros...)

Anonymous said...

adrians on the left and darricks on the right